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What we do at Melbourne City Mission

What we do

Our mission is to reduce youth homelessness in Victoria and disrupt the disadvantages associated with housing insecurity. 

We are committed to providing safe, comfortable, and affordable housing solutions for young people experiencing homelessness. We believe in creating meaningful connections with our residents and the community, and strive to build homes that are energy efficient, sustainable, and equipped with all the necessary amenities for a healthy and stable living environment. 


Our strategic goals

For tenants

We provide homes to fill the housing gap for all young people.


We build homes in local communities that are environmentally designed and influenced by young people with lived experience.

Financial sustainability

We make our homes financially sustainable for our young people and MCM Housing.

Measuring success

We evaluate our outcomes for continuous improvement and positive impact.  


We advocate to improve housing access and financial support for all young people 

Application process

Need help?

If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you throughout the tenancy process.

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